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The Pickworth Local History Group has won the 2012 Flora Murray Award, a recognition by The Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology for work of a high standard undertaken by groups or individuals within the county. The award of £200 will enable the PLHG to develop further the material published in its books on the village and its former school, and particularly to continue its researches on village life in past centuries through early documents. ( Enquiries about PLHG books to Liz Machin: themachins@gmail.com )
Pickworth: Change and Continuity In The Rural Community
Pickworth is a small village in South Lincolnshire, experiencing, like many others, rapid and profound change. Set in agricultural surroundings, few of its people now have any direct connection with farming, and its local services (school, post office, shop) have long disappeared.
How is the experience of community to be sustained and developed in the face of such changes? The Pickworth project is addressing this question by exploring the heritage of the village and the surrounding area - its landscape, people and built environment as they have evolved over the centuries to the present day. Local people are involved in events designed to encourage interest in the past and concern for the future of the village.
The project started with a ‘launch event’ which brought in people from a wide area who had connections with Pickworth. It is continuing through studies of village life at various times, through oral history, documentary records, farming, landscape and wildlife. Events and activities such as field walking, workshops and a village walk are planned, and local residents are encouraged to contribute in aspects that particularly interest them.
A ‘Book of Pickworth’ and an accompanying DVD will be produced, and a plan of the graves in the churchyard together with details of the graves will be made available to the church. Records and documents relating to this work will be conserved after the closure of the project.